Discover the Enchantment of a Grotto in the Texas Hill Country

Wonderful Outdoor Adventures Await Exploration

John Gusky, award-winning guest photographer, shares this beautiful image of a grotto near the Westcave Preserve in southwest Travis County with A natural grotto is a small cave near water; it is also a common design used in man-made landscape sculptures. The lush foliage covering the rock formation along with sky-reaching trees and emerald pool enclave create an ambience reminiscent of, and generally only seen in movies of enchantment and adventure.

Grotto Texas Hill Country

To explore and discover more eco wonders like this grotto, visit the nearby Westcave Preserve. Nestled in the glorious Texas Hill Country, experience a natural beauty with great ecological diversity. The limestone canyon is surrounded by wildflower meadows, cacti, ash junipers, and oak trees. Outdoor explorers of all ages can enjoy a guided tour with weekend trail adventures including including a 40-foot waterfall, caves, birding, and the learning center.

To learn more and plan your next outdoor exploration, visit the Westcave Preserve website.

Outdoor Explorer’s Map to the Preserves

About John Gusky:

John Gusky Outdoor Photographer PhotoI have a BA in film, which qualifies me to say ACTION and CUT. So I got a paying job as a TV photojournalist. After years of shooting house fires, school board meetings and kite festivals, I was promoted to a desk job. Shooting was good to me. I won kudos from the AP, UPI, Gannett Co., National Press Photographer’s Assoc., and even the Emmys. I enjoyed the opportunities to show off my photojournalisticism (yes, made up word). So I got a Nikon, and now I produce images with my D700 for fun and profit. Well, profit may be a generous term. I still have to keep my day job, if I wanna send my impossibly wonderful daughter to college some day. I take my camera with me on my travels, and try to shoot stuff that I think is cool, in a cool way. Artisitc philosophy? Emotive vision? I dunno. More like a work in progress, still evolving from basic photojournalism, to something that I hope resembles art. I like my photographs, and I hope others do too…especially if they are liked well enough to find a home on the walls of someone’s home or office.  Feel free to browse (and buy ;>) my work at one of my online studios.  Thanks, and stay groovy!

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